

by | 23. Apr 2022 | Kooperationen Gütesiegel

Das BRG Steyr Michaelerplatz kooperiert mit ECHA (European Council for High Ability).

Im Folgenden ist eine Beschreibung des Programms ECHA zu finden (in der englischen Originalversion):

Mission Statement

The European Council for High Ability (ECHA) is a European Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that aims to advance the study and development of potential for excellence in people. ECHA aims to promote research, development and education in the field of high ability, in order to contribute to the optimal development and wellbeing of children, adolescents and adults with high ability. Using a scientific approach, ECHA supports the professionalization of the educational field and assistance for children and (young) adults with high ability.
ECHA achieves these aims by means of scientific research into high ability. The research focuses on the behavior and learning of individuals with high ability, at home and at school/work.
ECHA’s members are scholars and professionals in the field, studying and/or working in the field of high ability.

ECHA’s Objectives

The major goal of ECHA is to act as a communications network to promote the exchange of information among people interested in high ability – educators, researchers, psychologists, parents and the highly able themselves.
The ECHA Articles allow for the members to elect a General Committee to oversee the activities of ECHA and communicate this information to members

ECHA’s goals will be pursued by
(a) communication and exchange of relevant information between the members, through email, Facebook, Twitter and the ECHA website;
(b) the regular publication of a newsletter (ECHA News) and a scientific journal (High Ability Studies) ;
(c) the organization of an overall large conference every two years and themed smaller conferences on alternate years;
(d) the professional support of educational initiatives in the field of high ability studies
(e) the promotion of books and information related to high ability;
(f) cooperation with all those involved in activities relating to the Society’s aims ;
(g) any other activities the Society deems necessary for the pursuit of these aims.

Further information can be found on ECHA’s website.


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