
Sprachwoche: Galway-Dublin 30.5.-5.6.22

by | 18. Jun 2022 | Aktuelles, Projekte

Finally, classes 7A and 7B were able to go on the eagerly awaited language trip to the Republic of Ireland.
We spent the first 4 days in the lovely town of Galway in the west of Ireland,  attending language classes in the morning and exploring the area in the afternoon with trips to a traditional sheep farm, the Burren national park, the famous Cliffs of Moher and more. In the evenings we were able to get a glimpse of the traditional Irish (pub) music culture, we got to know new card games and socialised with locals. We spent the rest of the week in Dublin where we discovered more of the history and culture of Ireland including traditional accommodation, Irish food, buskers and parks.
All in all, the trip taught us more than just language skills and left us with memories we will not forget that easily: 

“The trip to the countryside was amazing. The sheep farm there was cosy and looked very nice. Once we were in Dublin, the week got even better. All in all, Ireland is gorgeous!” 

“The several trips were quite cool, for example getting to know the beauty of the Irish landscape, the Cliff and more. The point that we had a lot of free time, was really nice, so we could explore Galway and Dublin. The sheep farm gave us an insight into typical life in the countryside. It was really interesting!” 

“Our highlight was the trip to the Cliffs of Moher. The view was very impressive because the weather was so good that the we could even see the neighbouring island.
We also enjoyed Dublin, especially the sights  of the city. Fortunately, we also had the opportunity to experience some street artists like Allie Sherlock.” 

The Cliffs of Moher were quite stunning. We really got to experience this fantastic landscape in the best possible way, because the weather was great. Also, the group activities were fun to participate in and we got to spend a lot of time exploring Galway and Dublin with friends.”

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