
London, here we come…

by | 4. Jul 2024 | Aktuelles

Our amazing trip to London started a bit sleepy-eyed at 4:45 am.
After our arrival, we got some first impressions of the city before being greeted by typical British weather and our lovely host families.

Our second day started at the language school, where we became au-fait with different conversation topics. Later that day, we visited Harrow on the Hill, a traditional boys’ boarding school. None of us met their future husband.

The next day, we strolled through the historical parts of London, including Borough Market and past Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre before we finished the day with the fabulous musical „Standing at the Sky’s Edge“.

On Saturday, we explored the Tower of London and even window-shopped at Harrods.

Moving along swiftly, the following day, we visited Spitalfields and its beautiful flower market, damaged our bank accounts and finally got the chance to take a boat tour on the Thames.

On Monday we got to admire the beach and taste local food in Brighton. Due to the cold wind, we didn’t jump into the sea, except one of us, who was brave enough to feel the cold water on his skin.

On Tuesday we returned to the language school, but what really scared the hell out of us was the London Dungeon with all its frightening actors and actresses. Colleagues, correct us if we’re wrong, but luckily, the teachers at the language school had already prepared us for the horrors of London. Though, we’re still discussing which of the two was scarier…

To draw things to a close, after a long week of frequent coffee breaks, cultural highlights and daily creative snapshots to prove we were home on time, we look back fondly on many new, fun and memorable experiences.

by Andrea Rathgeb, Esther Pühringer, Hannah Pristner, Juliane Habermaier, Nora Swoboda
teachers: Mag. Verena Kneifel, Mag. Ines Neubauer


Fotocredit: © by BRG Steyr Michaelerplatz

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